Cottilo is a super universal spot where you can kite, surf, windsurf in the waves. Little waves are enjoyable for beginners:)
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Cottilo is a super universal spot where you can kite, surf, windsurf in the waves. Little waves are enjoyable for beginners:)
Cool sunrise session with photographer Honza Zak in water. Small glassy waves, just few people in water and profesional with waterproof camera. Such a good way how to start a day:)
There is only one way how to find out, if it´s possible. You have to try it !
Enjoy kiteboarding lessons on Fuerteventura with us like Lucka:) Windy Fuerteventura has endless kite season all year long.
Perfect days on fuerteventura looks like that :) Wind just stoped for few days and we had so many great sessions and surf all day. Simply perfect surf session:)
Crazy tubes, hollow waves, short rides ending over the big rocks. Local kids play different games over here. Big respect !
Esquinzo is a hidden magic surf spot. You are driving in the middle of nowhere and sudenly it appears. Sandy beach under the cliffs looks like wild surf arena.
This luxury Sensey Villa is perfect choice for families, friends or youga camps. If you are searching private top class Villa in Corralejo, than this is it!
In last days is impossible to catch all the waves….It´s pumping as f..k all the time. Mornings are perfect for kite. Wind die around midday and than it´s amazing for surf till sunset :) We were passing by one hardcore spot and already from far we saw there more car than usually…. Ouuu yeahh, there are some surfers in !!! Ohhh it´s PUMPING !! BOOOM sick tube….BOOM ANOTHER….CHECK IT !
That was one of those days, when you are comming out from water like a last one, sun is just above the horizon, after full power session on flat water and you feel really great…such a cliché pictures with Lobos island in the background…join us on Fuerte ;)
Winter surf season is in full power on Fuerteventura. Swells are hitting hard our vulcanic home and brings a lot of joy :D
Kitesurfing Fuertevetura 2024. Kitesurfing season just started and we got already some bombs. Check the gallery ;)
The Quemao class 2023 big wave surfing competition was an incredible ride! Best surf riders and tubes like a dream. Look at the photos.
Surf season on Fuerteventura is fully ON. It was amazing glassy day with propper swell and all surfers shows incredible rides.
Winter surf season on Fuerteventura just began. It´s time to get ready boys and girls :) Let´s see what surprise we will get from the ocean this year.