Winter surf season is in full power on Fuerteventura. Swells are hitting hard our vulcanic home and brings a lot of joy :D
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Winter surf season is in full power on Fuerteventura. Swells are hitting hard our vulcanic home and brings a lot of joy :D
Kitesurfing Fuertevetura 2024. Kitesurfing season just started and we got already some bombs. Check the gallery ;)
The Quemao class 2023 big wave surfing competition was an incredible ride! Best surf riders and tubes like a dream. Look at the photos.
Surf season on Fuerteventura is fully ON. It was amazing glassy day with propper swell and all surfers shows incredible rides.
Winter surf season on Fuerteventura just began. It´s time to get ready boys and girls :) Let´s see what surprise we will get from the ocean this year.
YES boys and girls. Paddleboarding is not dead yet ! For sure everybody are so stoked about wingfoil and efoil in those days, but paddleboarding is still here:) It´s nice sometime to take the SUP out for little ride with the friends, specially when you have a day with a bit lazy waves:)
Photogalery from kiteboarding lessons on Fuerteventura. Kteboarding lessons on Fuerteventura are availible all year long.
Thank you very much for your support and positive reviews on the new collection of SURF DREAM clothing and accessories. We have prepared a new for you where you can easily choose between products and order quickly online.
Testing new wing F-ONE Swing V2 on Fuerteventura. New Swing V2 will amaze you with ease handling and stability in neutral position.
Forecast was bad, it was windy, choppy, but in the end loads of fun on the rocks :) Still much more fun than working :D :D
Winter surf season is in full power on Fuerteventura. Swells are hitting hard our vulcanic home and brings a lot of joy :D
Kitesurfing Fuertevetura 2024. Kitesurfing season just started and we got already some bombs. Check the gallery ;)
The Quemao class 2023 big wave surfing competition was an incredible ride! Best surf riders and tubes like a dream. Look at the photos.
Surf season on Fuerteventura is fully ON. It was amazing glassy day with propper swell and all surfers shows incredible rides.
Winter surf season on Fuerteventura just began. It´s time to get ready boys and girls :) Let´s see what surprise we will get from the ocean this year.